Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Learn - December 19, 2019

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Photo by Dylan Mello

   Each year Advent provides me with a lesson in learning.  Often times, I am guilty of rushing for things. Hustling to get to places on time, trying to receive some instant feedback, or wanting to satisfy a particular need immediately, but this season always teaches me a lesson in waiting.  I seem to just get a bit consumed and can begin to lose focus. However, every year this reminder in preparation and waiting has helped me in my everyday life. This waiting period promises that a way is being prepared for us.
    Slowing down and allowing ourselves to be open to learning about what awaits us is important.  It provides an opportunity to listen patiently within ourselves, take in our surroundings, and discern where we need to be.  When I allow myself to slow down, a whole new vision begins to grow. I love what we can be taught from this season. The changes we can strive to make, even though difficult, are positive, fruitful effects.  The readings we hear each week are one way that I have been able to learn to ground myself. Finding a local Advent Compline has been a way to teach me ways to access what God may be calling me for. This stillness in darkness provides a strong way.  I feel that I’ve learned the more work we put in and trust during this season of waiting, we will find the coming joy that has been prepared.
    As another Advent season winds down, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn through a continual learning of myself, others, and my relationship with God.  It is a blessed Advent season and I pray that we feel the presence of God throughout this season and the Christmastide.

Post by Dylan Mello

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